Conservative candidate Carlos Calleja against mining in El Salvador

Translated from Ultima Hora

Carlos Calleja, the candidate to the presidency for the Republican Nationalist Alliance, ARENA party, considers himself to be a true environmentalist and has declared he is against mining in El Salvador.

He made the statements through his social media accounts. 

Last March 29th, deputies of the Legislative Assembly approved the Law Prohibiting Metallic Mining which prevent the exploration, extraction, exploitation and processing, whether open pit or underground, in Salvadorian territory.

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In Mining-Affected Communities, Water Is Becoming More Precious Than Gold

By Jen Moore : MiningWatch Canada

Latin America is slowly winning the fight against the corporate assault of transnational Canadian mining companies

El Salvador made history last month when it became the first country to ban metal mining outright.

In what’s become a decade-long annual rite of spring, activists descend on Barrick Gold’s annual general meeting in Toronto April 25 to shine a light on the Canadian mining giant’s litany of abuses abroad. But this year the odds are slowly turning in the fight against the multi-pronged corporate assault of transnational mining companies.

Last month, El Salvador made history, becoming the first country to ban metal mining outright, after a World Bank tribunal rejected last October a US$250 million lawsuit launched against the government by Canadian-Australian miner OceanaGold. The suit, filed in 2009 by OceanaGold predecessor Pacific Rim, based in Vancouver, alleged loss of potential profits after the company failed to meet regulatory requirements to receive a mining permit.

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In El Salvador, a moment more precious than gold

By Andrés McKinley : NCR

SAN SALVADOR, EL SALVADOR, There are times in life when things come together, forces galvanize, pieces fall into place and processes take on a magical quality that keeps you wondering when the dream will end. That's what it felt like for those of us in the struggle against metallic mining, when legislators here finally found the political will to block an industry that threatened to rob this country of its future.

It was the most amazing week in the 12-year history of our struggle. And we owe much of the magic to the governor of a province called Nueva Vizcaya in the Philippines, on the other side of the world.

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How Local, Grassroots Organizing Drove El Salvador’s Mining Ban

* Yevgeniya Yatsenko and Sebastian Rosemont : Foreign Policy in Focus

U.S. environmentalists take note: El Salvador's activists proved that a national consensus on environmentalism can be forged one town at a time.

Amid a natural gas boom, could U.S. activists ever dream of a national ban on fracking? If it seems impossible, they should look to the south for inspiration.

On March 29, the small Central American nation of El Salvador passed a total ban on metal mining. The historic vote on the law was unanimous, bridging strong partisan divides, and was the culmination of more than a decade of activism, coalition building, and direct political participation by the people of El Salvador.

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