Looming threats to the mining prohibition in El Salvador

P. Cabezas

looming threatsIn March 2017, El Salvador became the first country in the world to ban metallic mining. But the huge victory of the antimining movement and the international recognition it has garnered may be overshadowed by a current electoral campaign that threatens to reverse the legislative balance of power in favor of the prohibition in the short term, and the executive government´s  in the mid-term.

At a recent event organized by the National Roundtable Against Mining to commemorate those who lost their lives in Cabañas during the struggle, leaders from communities that were most affected by mining projects said that some political battles are still pending to ensure the long-term sustainability of the mining prohibition. “First we need to ensure that the Attorney General’s office investigate the intellectual authors of the murders of environmental defenders who were assassinated in 2009, second we need to ensure that Minerales Torogoz, and the El Dorado Foundation leave Cabañas, and third we need our government institutions to generate sustainable economic activities in the region so those toxic companies never come back” Said Domingo Miranda, president of the La Maraña Environmental Association.

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A year with a bitter taste in environmental matters in El Salvador

Alfredo Carias: Vanguardia

In the midst of an important victory in El Salvador, an evaluation of the social and environmental conditions in the country contrasts to the achievements obtained with the prohibition of mining.

According to the Salvadoran authorities, progress has been made in the area of ​​environmental protection, although they acknowledge that there is still a lot to be done, said Ángel Ibarra, Vice Minister of Environment and Natural Resources (MARN).

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The Fight Against Gold Mining in El Salvador


Article on the Chalatenango Free of Mining Campaign published in Practicing Anthropology.

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The fight for the environment in El Salvador gets recognition in Los Angeles

Francisco Coto - La Opinion

For 13 years, Vidalina Morales and other environmental activists, led constant fight against a Canadian/Australian mining company which threatened the north of El Salvador.

It is an activism that has brought both death threats and triumphs to Morales, who arrived this week in Los Angeles to receive the Environmental Justice award from the organisation CARECEN in representation of the National Roundtable against Metallic Mining.

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