

To help us better support your stay El Salvador we are asking you to take one minute to fill the following supplementary information form. Please do so as soon as possible.



Here are a few more details you should know about this delegation:


Day one of the delegation will be conference at the University of Central America, UCA in San Salvador and two other days will be spent in field trips and engagement activities in communities affected by mining. Through the weekend participants will have the opportunity to visit the department of Cabanas, where the company Pacific Rim has its operations, and will have the choice to either visit the Cerro Blanco mine in Guatemala or San Sebastian mine in the western region of El Salvador.  


We are still working on details of the program but it will include one day of panel discussions and regional strategy sessions with international and local organizers in San Salvador. Strategy sessions will be followed by field visits to areas affected by mining in order develop in-depth understanding of those communities and further the dialogue about future solidarity activities. Field visits are being organized in partnership with local community organizations in order to have exposure to first hand testimonies of the impacts of mining in local communities

For a preliminary peak at the program visit http://www.stopesmining.org/j25/index.php/preliminary-program we will continue to update this web page as we progress.


For the convenience of organizers and all participants we have booked a block of rooms in Hotel Siesta near the conference site in San Salvador, and in hotels close to our field trip locations. The average cost of the rooms is $45.00US for individual rooms, $60.00US for double and $70.00US for triple rooms.  Before we reserve a room on your behalf we will need to have confirmation you are coming. i.e. copy of your air ticket.

On Friday May 10th , during our trip to Cabanas we will be staying in a shared community hall at the office of one of our community partners. Be prepared to sleep in a mat on the floor of a room shared with 20 others.  


If you are participating in the all of our activities you will be moving around to different locations each day. Although we are doing everything we can to ensure comfort for participants, chances are that conditions will not be 100% ideal. Items we recommend to bring in your baggage include:

  • Water Bottle
  • Small bed sheet
  • Towel
  • Personal first aid kit
  • Sun screen
  • Hand Sanitizer
  • Hat
  • Light Rain Jacket
  • Bug repellent


There is no cost to participate in the delegation, or to travel to different field trips programmed inside El Salvador inside of it. Most meals are covered but you are expected to cover some.

Your contribution to participate includes transportation to El Salvador and local accommodations.  


To keep informed about development of the delegation check out our website
