... under an overarching law on water. But there are economic interests that are preventing any advancement.
There are 93 articles already negotiated - completed by the previous legislation- we believe water ...
... controversial points in the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), which is being negotiated at the moment.
Parada believes that understanding that a risk exists in the case against El ...
... water campaigner with the Blue Planet Project. “The alternatives they have proposed are currently being negotiated within the legislature, but are under threat because they lie in stark contrast to the ...
... parties that hold the balance of power at the legislative assembly evidenced their unwillingness to negotiate progressive environmental legislation.
The Environment and Climate Change Commission, where ...
... told MiningNews.net that the company could not comment specifically on the case as it was still going through the legal process.“Our strong preference is to negotiate a settlement to the permitting impasse,” ...
... of Investment Disputes (ICSID).
This case exemplifies the perils of the massive Transpacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) being negotiated by the United States with other counties of the Americas, Asia ...
... the suit, while seeking a negotiated solution with El Salvadoran officials. The case will reach its final hearing On September 15th, 2014.
The stakes for Salvadorans are high. The legal costs and a ...
... wielded by corporations that sue under ISDS – regardless of the validity of the case. The Council adopted a resolution in June that sets up a working group to negotiate a treaty on business and human rights ...
... the case, but said in an email that, “the company’s strong preference is to engage in a constructive dialogue with the government of El Salvador to seek a negotiated outcome to the permitting impasse.” ...
... and the disposition of the legislative assembly to enact a prohibition.
This is not simple as the FMLN only counts with 31 seats at the legislative assembly and needs to negotiate with one of the right ...
By Robin Broad and John Cavanagh
First published in http://tinyurl.com/lntc9dh
As the Obama administration negotiates new trade agreements with European and Pacific nations, a battle has emerged over ...
... company’s economic interests. (This will also be the case if Australia signs the Trans-Pacific Partnership currently being negotiated.)
This year, Pacific Rim was taken over by OceanaGold, an Australian ...
... or through reaching a deal with the Salvadoran government to advance a gold project in the northern department of Cabañas. In a press release, OceanaGold said it would try to negotiate a deal with Salvadoran ...
... belonging to Pacific Rim Mining. With a value of $10,2 million USD, a company press release announced its intention to seek a negotiated solution to the impasse represented by the lack of approvals to ...
... being negotiated among 11 countries: Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, the United States, and Vietnam. As of April 2013, Japan was also on track to join ...
... which does not represent a necessary market for either country.
They remind people that 30% of the world mining industry is from Canada and that this agreement, of which 85% has already been negotiated ...
... to be negotiated by the Obama Administration, presents an opportunity for reform. Considering the history of attacks on environmental protections brought about by bad trade rules, we must call on the Obama ...