New Study Shows Mining Pollution in Morazán

February 2012

Last week the Center for Investment and Business Investigations (CEICOM) released a study of the presence of heavy metals in the soil and corn in El Divisadero, Morazán.  El Divisadero was this site of the Montecristo mine which was in operation for 50 years early in the 20th centrury, as well as the site where soil from the San Sebastian mine was process in later years.  The waste and left over soil from the Montecristo mine was left in the town of El Dividsadero after the mining process. 

The study found elevated levels of arsenic, lead, aluminum, zinc and cadmium in the soil and levels of accumulated aluminum and zinc in corn.  The study calls for  more detailed investigations of the soil and the food chain, which should be carried out by the government or other institutions, and that the country undergo an evaluation process to see the environmental damages of past mining projects.  

For the complete study in Spanish see here.

New coverage of the study on Univision,  La Prensa Gráfica, a second in La Prensa Gráfica, and the Diario Colatino.